Like other dogs, they're need a quality dog food and lots of fresh fresh water to keep them healthy. Annual checkups at the vet hospital should be a part of their usual medical care program. Due to their tiny size and tiny quantity of subcutaneous fat these dogs can get a disorder known as hypoglycemia, which is low blood sugar. If your dog does have this condition it would appear as listless and can seem to be in a coma.
They form in the urinary canal, and could cause the disability to pee, and even death. Many have allergies and will bite or scratch their skin, leading to damaging their skin. A Vet can suggest a variety of lotion dependent on you are Yorkies condition. Click the link to see stuff all about pet carrier purse. Fragile digestive systems may cause Yorkies to have diarrhoea and barfing from diet changes or not eating the right meals.
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